I have spent some time with nature this week and I have seen some beautiful wildlife, mostly of the flying variety (birds). There seems to be a run on yellow:). The most common seems to be the American Goldfinch. This one was first. When I first saw him, I thought it was another goldfinch, but when I got a good view of him, I knew it was different.
American Goldfinch
It took me a while to figure out what it was. I knew if was a warbler, but I was struggling to identify him. My son actually helped with this one. I am posting a Goldfinch too, so you can see the difference.
It’s a Yellow-breasted Chat. They are a migratory species, and they are migrating right now. I took this photo at the Stillwater Prairie Reserve.
I think this is one of my best photos of the year. At least in the top 10. Have a good day!
~ Rick
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©2018 Rick Cartwright