A Chipmunk and a Squirrel ..

A chipmunk and a squirrel when into a bar .. .

Funny to see these to so close to each other. I could not get the photo I really wish I had taken. They were just a few feet apart. I am sure the chipmunk saw the squirrel, but I really don't know. Cute, regardless.

~ Rick

Rick’s latest technology muse:

Check out our vlog, which includes more pictures and video on YouTube at  tales.photos. Remember to subscribe! 

Prints are available for many of the photos on this site on canvas, metal or glass. Contact Rick for more information.  

©2019 ©2020 ©2021 ©2022 ©2023 ©2024 Rick Cartwright


I was so happy to see this Great Blue Heron. Usually they don't stick around when we are hiking nearby, but this one just stayed put. He was fearless.

~ Rick

Rick’s latest technology muse:

Check out our vlog, which includes more pictures and video on YouTube at  tales.photos. Remember to subscribe! 

Prints are available for many of the photos on this site on canvas, metal or glass. Contact Rick for more information.  

©2019 ©2020 ©2021 ©2022 ©2023 ©2024 Rick Cartwright

“Maybe He Does Not See Me”

I almost didn't see this chipmunk. He just fades into the background. But I think he is thinking, "Maybe he does not see me" ... hahaha ~ Rick

Rick’s latest technology muse:

Check out our vlog, which includes more pictures and video on YouTube at  tales.photos. Remember to subscribe! 

Prints are available for many of the photos on this site on canvas, metal or glass. Contact Rick for more information.  

©2019 ©2020 ©2021 ©2022 ©2023 ©2024 Rick Cartwright

Turtles Tanning

You know its getting nice when the turtles are out in the sun.

~ Rick

***    Rick’s latest technology muse:

Check out our vlog, which includes more pictures and video on YouTube at  tales.photos. Remember to subscribe! 

Prints are available for many of the photos on this site on canvas, metal or glass. Contact Rick for more information.  

©2019 ©2020 ©2021 ©2022 ©2023 ©2024 Rick Cartwright