Bring back the blue sky

Near Fletcher, Ohio on November 3, 2017

Near Fletcher, Ohio on November 3, 2017

The cloud cover and rain for the last few days has left me with a little seasonal affective disorder (SAD). Yes, I think SAD is real, and I feel it every winter. 

This is where photography comes to the rescue ... I remembered this picture and had a little internal party when I saw the blue sky and green pasture. 🎊🎊  

Pictures and videos can bring back memories. Some of my most cherished photos are of my mother and father. When I am missing them, I will look at those photos and find peace. 

So when ever you read this, do what I’m doing: Listen to The Beach Boys, and look at some of your summer photos or other cherished memories! 


  ~ Rick

Prints are available for many of the photos on this site on canvas, metal or glass. They are stunning and you can purchase them for a wall at home. Click the link or the ‘prints and such’ tab.

 ©2017 Rick Cartwright