One journey ends, another begins

Its a sunrise ... not a sunset. 

Its a sunrise ... not a sunset. 

I started my professional career on June 12, 1978 at Hobart Corporation. Today I will end this chapter of my career as I retire. I have enjoyed by time at Henny Penny. Overall, I have been so fortunate to work with amazing people, and to work on some great products. I have visited amazing places, and seen amazing things. What a ride. 

So what’s next? I really don’t like the word, retire. It feels so final. While I will not be getting up to drive to work every morning, I certainly don’t plan to let life pass me by while I snooze. I blogged about my plans related to photography. That will certainly be a significant part of the future.

I also have this burning passion for technology and I plan to do something in this area. What that looks like is not clear. I plan to attend CES 2018 and begin the process of understanding how it all ties together. I love to search out trends, and uncover how technology interfaces with people. I love developing people. I love strategy. It’s just not clear how it all ties together in the short term. I know I want to write a book, and even have one in mind. So, we will see. 

There will be new photos, with new tales every day. We will be taking lots of photos in Nevada and Utah soon, and then on to other places. 

Enjoy every moment ... life is a ride!  

~ Rick

Thank you, Ashley for the quote.  

Prints are available for many of the photos on this site on canvas, metal or glass. They are stunning and you can purchase them for a wall at home. Click the link or the ‘prints and such’ tab.

©2017 Rick Cartwright