Last minute harvest


I took this photo about a week ago. I’m sure there is a good reason why this happened so late. I mean, I have passed a number of unharvested crops this past week, so this guy is not alone.  

Frequent, I am guilty of practicing the art of procrastination. Mark Twain reportedly said, ““Never put off till tomorrow what may be done day after tomorrow just as well.” I will do better.  🤷🏼‍♂️

Sometimes I practice the ‘snow principle’ .. wait and see if it melts. It’s amazing how often things that are said to be urgent, are just noise. Given the time, they melt and vanish.  

~ Rick

Prints are available for many of the photos on this site on canvas, metal or glass. They are stunning and you can purchase them for a wall at home. Click the link or the ‘prints and such’ tab.

©2017 Rick Cartwright

The Times They Are A-Changin'


Quoting Bob Dylan: 

Come gather ‘round people
Wherever you roam
And admit that the waters
Around you have grow
And accept it that soon
You’ll be drenched to the bone.
If your time to you
Is worth savin’
Then you better start swimmin’
Or you’ll stink like a stone.
For the times they are a-changin’.

Perhaps the words need to be modified: ‘soon, you will be chilled to the bone’, or ‘you’ll be knee deep in snow’.⛄️⛄️

Seasonal change is beautiful: Colors, temperature, it’s all part of natures yearly rotation as we travel around the sun. It sure makes life interesting. Yes, the times they are a-changin'. Enjoy!

~ Rick

Prints are available for many of the photos on this site on canvas, metal or glass. They are stunning and you can purchase them for a wall at home. Click the link or the ‘prints and such’ tab. 


©2017 Rick Cartwright

The harvest .. a time of renewal

October 2017: The harvest

October 2017: The harvest

The harvest is underway, and soon the fields will be bare. This is a time or renewal, enabling the next crop to be planted, grow and ultimately prepared for another harvest.  

I am reminded of a conversation I had with a doctor a couple years ago. Let’s back up: I don’t like to sleep. It always seemed like a waste of time. I have always been a ‘busy’ person, and sleep seemed to interfere with my ability to get things done. For years, I would sleep between 5 and 6 hours a night, and if I could keep it to 5 I was proud ... it felt like I was ‘getting things done’. 

In July of 2015 I had some health issues. My blood pressure was extremely elevated, and frankly, I am fortunate to have survived.  After much testing, and other interventions, the doctors had a frank conversation with me about my sleeping habits. He told me that I needed to get more sleep, or face the grime realities of it’s impact on my health. He suggested I need 7 to 8 hours of sleep each night. That was difficult for me to accept, but the importance of sleep a reality I have accepted.   

I get 8 hours most nights now. I have to admit, it has helped. I still stress about not getting everything done in a day. Perhaps I get more done because I have better focus.

Like Mother Earth, we need time to renew. Do yourself a favor: sleep more. 

 ~ Rick


Prints are available for many of the photos on this site on canvas, metal or glass. They are stunning and you can purchase them for a wall at home. Click the link or the ‘prints and such’ tab.