One Buck …

We don't see many large bucks but this one stopped long enough for a good photo. He was hanging out with several doe's. Very cool.

~ Rick

Check out my vlog, which includes more of my photography and videography: (on YouTube). Remember to like, comment and subscribe!

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©2019 ©2020 ©2021 ©2022 ©2023 ©2024 Rick Cartwright

Deerly Confused

We have seen more deer this winter than in past winters. Most of the time there are many as a dozen or more. There two just looked confused.

~ Rick

Check out my vlog, which includes more of my photography and videography: (on YouTube). Remember to like, comment and subscribe! 

My photo blog can be found at  

©2019 ©2020 ©2021 ©2022 ©2023 ©2024 Rick Cartwright

Foxy …

After the 'big' snow fall this weekend we saw a Red Fox (actually two of them). You don't often see them in open fields like this.

~ Rick

Check out my vlog, which includes more of my photography and videography: (on YouTube). Remember to like, comment and subscribe! 

My photo blog can be found at  

©2019 ©2020 ©2021 ©2022 ©2023 ©2024 Rick Cartwright

Frozen In Time

I love this photo. Teresa took this photo last week after some snow. The deer paused as if frozen in time allowing her to capture this beautiful photo.

~ Rick

Check out my vlog, which includes more of my photography and videography: (on YouTube). Remember to like, comment and subscribe! 

My photo blog can be found at  

©2019 ©2020 ©2021 ©2022 ©2023 ©2024 Rick Cartwright

“Stealth level: Tail fail.” 🐿️

This is a Fox Squirrel. She is not as large as some we have seen lately. Right after I took this photo, she ran off .. well, jumped up a tree.

~ Rick

Check out my vlog, which includes more of my photography and videography: (on YouTube). Remember to like, comment and subscribe! 

My photo blog can be found at  

©2019 ©2020 ©2021 ©2022 ©2023 ©2024 Rick Cartwright