Sparrow In The House!


This is a House Sparrow. No, it was not realy ‘in the house’, but the title fits. She was hanging out on the deck with me. I don’t know exactly, but I’m thinking 15 feet away from me. I really did not need my ‘big boy’ lens ... but that is what I had on the camera.

As I understand it, they were introduced to North America in 1852. This quote is from Wikipedia:

The first of many successful introductions to North America occurred when birds from England were released in New York City, in 1852, intended to control the ravages of the linden moth. In North America, the house sparrow now occurs from the Northwest Territories of Canada to southern Panama, and it is one of the most abundant birds of the continent. The house sparrow was first introduced to Australia in 1863 at Melbourne and is common throughout the eastern part of the continent as far north as Cape York, but has been prevented from establishing itself in Western Australia, where every house sparrow found in the state is killed. House sparrows were introduced in New Zealand in 1859, and from there reached many of the Pacific islands, including Hawaii.

Cool stuff!

~ Rick

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