Not So Plain Gadwall

This is a Gadwall duck. Sadly it was super cloudy and the lack of sun resulted in this photos lack of detail. This duck is actually very interesting to see but to get that you need to click the link above. Maybe I'll get another chance later this year.

~ Rick

Check out my vlog, which includes more of my photography and videography: (on YouTube). Remember to like, comment and subscribe! 

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©2019 ©2020 ©2021 ©2022 ©2023 ©2024 ©2025 Rick Cartwright

Little Sparrow, Big World 🐦✨

This Song Sparrow may look big in ths photo but she is so small. Small but not insignificant. If you were a small bug and saw this coming at you .. well, that would be significant.

~ Rick

Check out my vlog, which includes more of my photography and videography: (on YouTube). Remember to like, comment and subscribe! 

My photo blog can be found at  

©2019 ©2020 ©2021 ©2022 ©2023 ©2024 ©2025 Rick Cartwright

Spring Cows

We hare starting to see a lot of Brown-headed Cowbirds now. It seems like something new is showing up more frequently. These females were hogging the feeder and the males were in a nearby tree. They ware my least favorite bird.

~ Rick

Check out my vlog, which includes more of my photography and videography: (on YouTube). Remember to like, comment and subscribe! 

My photo blog can be found at  

©2019 ©2020 ©2021 ©2022 ©2023 ©2024 ©2025 Rick Cartwright