Still Uniquely Ugly


The Black Vulture do not normally fly as far north as our normal hiking area. We saw these as we were driving from site to site just south of Piqua. I was driving while Teresa captured this photo.

I think in the years I have been photographing birds, I have only seen a black vulture this far north once. They are different than Turkey Vultures ... a little more about this species:

The black vulture is a scavenger and feeds on carrion, but will also eat eggs or kill newborn animals (livestock such as cattle). In areas populated by humans, it also feeds at garbage dumps. It finds its meals either by using its keen eyesight or by following other (New World) vultures, which possess a keen sense of smell. Lacking a syrinx—the vocal organ of birds—its only vocalizations are grunts or low hisses. It lays its eggs in caves or hollow trees or on the bare ground, and generally raises two chicks each year, which it feeds by regurgitation. In the United States, the vulture receives legal protection under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918. (Wikipedia)

~ Rick

Rick’s latest technology muse:

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Prints are available for many of the photos on this site on canvas, metal or glass. Contact Rick for more information.

©2019 ©2020 Rick Cartwright

Hiding In The Shadows


I was standing on the overlook at Stillwater Prairie Reserve when I spotted this American Goldfinch hopping from flower to flower. I thought I could capture a photo so I pulled up my camera and .. hey, hold still. When I was finally able to caputre a photo, he was in the shadows. I like to think its a better photo so I have to say thank you to this cool bird.

~ Rick

Rick’s latest technology muse:

Check out our vlog, which includes more pictures and video on YouTube at Remember to subscribe!

Prints are available for many of the photos on this site on canvas, metal or glass. Contact Rick for more information.

©2019 ©2020 Rick Cartwright