

It seems that every year about this time I start to see more woodpeckers. I have seen several Red-bellied Woodpecker this week. They are far more common than some of their cousins.

I read this on Wikipedia .. it is certaily ture:

Red-bellied woodpeckers are noisy birds, and have many varied calls. Calls have been described as sounding like churr-churr-churr or thrraa-thrraa-thrraa with an alternating br-r-r-r-t sound. Males tend to call and drum more frequently than females, but both sexes call. The drum sounds like 6 taps. Often, these woodpeckers "drum" to attract mates. They tap on hollow trees, and even on aluminum roofs, metal guttering and transformer boxes in urban environments, to communicate with potential partners. Babies have a high-pitched begging call of pree-pree-pree. They will continue to give a begging call whenever they see their parents for a while after fledging. Wikipedia.

Have a great week.

~ Rick

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