Teresa and I love to hike at Stillwater Prairie Reserve. We frequently hike at the rangeline road entrance instead of the main reserve. It is not as long a hike, but the views are amazing. That is what we did one day this week.
As we approached the fishing pond, I could see something different, but I was not wearing my glasses. The reflection off the pond was really cool so I took a couple of photos with my iPhone. I had to zoom for a second shot .. wow, was I surprised to see this:
I used my big boy camera to capture these two photos .. how cool is this. She allowed me to take a few.
Teresa captured these two shots as she flew away. I love nature!
~ Rick
Even Cooper was impressed!
Rick’s latest technology muse:
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Prints are available for many of the photos on this site on canvas, metal or glass. Contact Rick for more information.
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