Brotherly Love

It is alwasy fun to watch when events play out like they did this day. This little European Starling was enjoying this little place in this Y of a tree. He was just jumping around. Then his big brother showed up .. they went back and forth for a while.

~ Rick

Rick’s latest technology muse:

Check out our vlog, which includes more pictures and video on YouTube at Remember to subscribe!

Prints are available for many of the photos on this site on canvas, metal or glass. Contact Rick for more information.

©2019 ©2020 ©2021 ©2022 ©2023 Rick Cartwright


This is one of the better photos I have taken of a European Starling. I don't often see a single starling ... they are usually in groups, or at least it seems that way.

~ Rick

Rick’s latest technology muse:

Check out our vlog, which includes more pictures and video on YouTube at Remember to subscribe!

Prints are available for many of the photos on this site on canvas, metal or glass. Contact Rick for more information.

©2019 ©2020 ©2021 ©2022 ©2023 Rick Cartwright

Starlings Everywhere

So many European Starling. I rarely see just one starling .. there is usally a tree full, or a power line with hundreds of them.

~ Rick

Rick’s latest technology muse:

Check out our vlog, which includes more pictures and video on YouTube at Remember to subscribe!

Prints are available for many of the photos on this site on canvas, metal or glass. Contact Rick for more information.

©2019 ©2020 ©2021 ©2022 ©2023 Rick Cartwright


This is a European Starling. They are very common and seem to show up in large groups. I really have tried to capture the colors of these birds for a long time, but can't seem to master this one. See the link for how beautiful they really are.

~ Rick

Rick’s latest technology muse:

Check out our vlog, which includes more pictures and video on YouTube at Remember to subscribe!

Prints are available for many of the photos on this site on canvas, metal or glass. Contact Rick for more information.

©2019 ©2020 ©2021 ©2022 Rick Cartwright

Admired Pest?

This is the season for large numbers of European Starlings]0. They are everwhere, and as I recently shared, they seem to fly in large groups. I caught this one taking a break. His friends were not far away.

Something you may not know:

Often regarded as a pest, the Starling wins our grudging admiration for its adaptability, toughness, and seeming intelligence. Brought to North America in 1890, it has spread to occupy most of the continent, and is now abundant in many areas. Sociable at most seasons, Starlings may gather in immense flocks in fall and winter. When the flocks break up for the breeding season, males reveal a skill for mimicry, interrupting their wheezing and sputtering songs with perfect imitations of other birds.Guide to North American Birds - audubon

~ Rick

Rick’s latest technology muse:

Check out our vlog, which includes more pictures and video on YouTube at Remember to subscribe!

Prints are available for many of the photos on this site on canvas, metal or glass. Contact Rick for more information.

©2019 ©2020 ©2021 Rick Cartwright