Teresa captured this one .. beautiful
This was not the best setup for capturing a quality photograph. Here is how it when down: My son was driving. We were making our way through Yellowstone National Park. I was watching for wildife but we were not in a place where we could stop if I spot some cool wildlife. It was every bit as scenic as I remembered it. We were last here many years ago and returned with better gear and hungry for new photography opportunities.
We had not been driving far when I spotted this beautiful Golden Eagle. She perched in the top of nearby tree. I say nearby, but it was across the river from the road. It was a long shot, complicated by the motion of the car.
I always try to get the shot, even when the odds are not good. I put the window down, lifted the camera and started snapping photos. I was shooting at an odd angle. By this point, he was well behind us.
I think the photos came out great .. all things considered.
~ Rick
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©2019 ©2020 Rick Cartwright