Spring Cows

We hare starting to see a lot of Brown-headed Cowbirds now. It seems like something new is showing up more frequently. These females were hogging the feeder and the males were in a nearby tree. They ware my least favorite bird.

~ Rick

Check out my vlog, which includes more of my photography and videography: tales.photos (on YouTube). Remember to like, comment and subscribe! 

My photo blog can be found at tales.photos.  

©2019 ©2020 ©2021 ©2022 ©2023 ©2024 ©2025 Rick Cartwright

A Winter Cow

We have seen a few Brown-headed Cowbirds recently. Frankly they are not my favorite bird, but this photo is great. I saw a female too, but didn't get a photo of her.

~ Rick

Check out my vlog, which includes more of my photography and videography: tales.photos (on YouTube). Remember to like, comment and subscribe! 

My photo blog can be found at tales.photos.  

©2019 ©2020 ©2021 ©2022 ©2023 ©2024 Rick Cartwright

Flying Cows? 😬

The Brown-headed Cowbird is not a colorful bird. I mean, black and brown ... very plain. They are back and I am glad to see them around.

~ Rick

Rick’s latest technology muse:

Check out our vlog, which includes more pictures and video on YouTube at tales.photos. Remember to subscribe!

Prints are available for many of the photos on this site on canvas, metal or glass. Contact Rick for more information.

©2019 ©2020 ©2021 ©2022 ©2023 Rick Cartwright

Just a Cow

These are the fist Cowbirds we have seen this year. Two males but I am sure there was a nearby female .. I just missed the photo opportunity. That happens.

~ Rick

Rick’s latest technology muse:

Check out our vlog, which includes more pictures and video on YouTube at tales.photos. Remember to subscribe!

Prints are available for many of the photos on this site on canvas, metal or glass. Contact Rick for more information.

©2019 ©2020 ©2021 ©2022 Rick Cartwright

Team Meeting


When I see one Cowbird, I usually see several. Just an observation, but maybe they are holding a team meeting.

~ Rick

Rick’s latest technology muse:

Check out our vlog, which includes more pictures and video on YouTube at tales.photos. Remember to subscribe!

Prints are available for many of the photos on this site on canvas, metal or glass. Contact Rick for more information.

©2019 ©2020 Rick Cartwright