Hiking Diversity

Teresa took this photo while we were hiking last week. I am always amazed at the diversity we encounter. This is very different than many of the places we hike. I love all the trees.

~ Rick

Rick’s latest technology muse:

Check out our vlog, which includes more pictures and video on YouTube at tales.photos. Remember to subscribe!

Prints are available for many of the photos on this site on canvas, metal or glass. Contact Rick for more information.

©2019 ©2020 ©2021 Rick Cartwright

Hidden Peaks


The weather was not great on the day we drove through the Teton National Forest region. The top two photos are my attempt to capture The Three Tetons up close. The clouds were so low that most of the mountains were hidden from view. I still like these photos.

A few days later, as we drove from Yellowstone to Utah, I shot the bottom photo. It was cloudy and even hazy. I had to doctor the photo to even get this view. I tried :). At least the beautiful peaks were visible.

~ Rick

Rick’s latest technology muse:

Check out our vlog, which includes more pictures and video on YouTube at tales.photos. Remember to subscribe!

Prints are available for many of the photos on this site on canvas, metal or glass. Contact Rick for more information.

©2019 ©2020 Rick Cartwright

A Little Wren


This is the second time I photographed a Carolina Wren in recent weeks. This one was at a few feet from the Stillwater River.

Speaking of this species of wren, did you know ...

There are seven recognized subspecies across the range of these wrens and they differ slightly in song and appearance. The birds are generally inconspicuous, avoiding the open for extended periods of time. When out in the open, they investigate their surroundings and are rarely stationary. After finding a mate, pairs maintain a territory and stay together for several years. Both males and females give out alarm calls, but only males sing to advertise territory. Carolina wrens raise multiple broods during the summer breeding season, but can fall victim to brood parasitism by brown-headed cowbirds, among other species. Some populations have been affected by mercury contamination. Wikipedia

Now back to looking for more birds.

~ Rick

Rick’s latest technology muse:

Check out our vlog, which includes more pictures and video on YouTube at tales.photos. Remember to subscribe!

Prints are available for many of the photos on this site on canvas, metal or glass. Contact Rick for more information.

©2019 ©2020 Rick Cartwright

Nuthatch Continued


Earlier this week I posted a photo of a White-brested Nuthatch. Recall that I was commenting about their grip and talons. Yesterday we were hiking and this nuthatch flew to this brick building and latched on to the brick. Very impressive.

After I published this blog post, I decided I needed to add a second photo I took of this nuthatch as he flew away. It’s not a perfect shot .. in fact, it just happed that I capture it. :)

~ Rick


Rick’s latest technology muse:

Check out our vlog, which includes more pictures and video on YouTube at tales.photos. Remember to subscribe!

Prints are available for many of the photos on this site on canvas, metal or glass. Contact Rick for more information.

©2019 ©2020 Rick Cartwright

Dance And Hunt


This Red-bellied Woodpecker put on a show for us. He danced his way up and down this tree. He would make his way to the back side of the branch, then around to the front. Upside down, then right-side up. I totally enjoyed watching him hunt bugs while disregarding our cameras.

~ Rick

Rick’s latest technology muse:

Check out our vlog, which includes more pictures and video on YouTube at tales.photos. Remember to subscribe!

Prints are available for many of the photos on this site on canvas, metal or glass. Contact Rick for more information.

©2019 ©2020 Rick Cartwright