Just Waiting For Us

We have seen a a hawk on severeral outtings over the last week or two. The first few times he was setting on a park sign near the entrance to Garbry Big Woods Sanctuary. As soon as we slowed down and tried to capture a photo she would take off. I watched as she flew into a nearby tree, only to repeat the process of trying to get a good spot for a photo only to have her fly away again.

On one ocasion, we were driving near the same location and saw a Hawk, likely the same one, in a tree just off the road. I really did not get a good photo, but it is the second photograph above.

Then one day this week we were driving again and saw two beautiful Red-tailed Hawks. A little further from the location of the last few sitings but maybe one of them was the same hawk. That is the top photo. My focus was not perfect, but what a beautiful bird. I can't wait to drive out that way again today and see what awaits us.

~ Rick

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